Questions 2024

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Hey Shaun, not sure if you remember me. Back in February of last year, I was the 14 year old who asked you for advice. And boy, do I have a story to tell you!
Well, I wrote a cannibal novelette titled The Savages and self-published it. It was so brutal, however, it got me banned (there was a scene involving a cannibal with a dismembered body). I am still banned on Amazon to this day! So, it worked.
I am writing a second book now, trying to go into novel form, about two people who decide to dump off the body of the main character's abusive ex, but a man named The Ressurector sees. It's a nasty extreme horror novel. It'll be great fun.
Your books are still an inspiration for me, and I still think about them. Slugs was fantastic, Heathens was a phenomenal book that I ripped through in only a couple days. Purity was a fantastic serial killer novel, and the idea of a radio talk show host is something I want to write about too (if you give me permission, of course).
Wow, I haven't shut up yet, apologies. But yeah, my question: How do you stop quitting writing books? I always start but never finish. And when is it too far?
Thank you, mate. You're a bloody legend!

John Hitcher

I do remember you asking for advice, John. I hope everything is going well. Bloody hell, it must have been brutal if it got you banned from Amazon!!! It seems that standards have changed a lot!! However, at least you know now that your writing has that power to disturb. So, I should probably say well done... lol... I must admit, I had two books banned in my early days. Chainsaw Terror was banned by a big book selling chain and so was Deadhead. It gave them both a kind of cult following. As far as knowing when to finish a book, you'll know, trust me. Don't over write. Do what YOU think is working. That's all that matters in the end. Write what you would want to read. That usually works. Anyway, you keep at it and keep me posted on what's happening. Well done, John.

All the best.

Hi Shaun hope your still here & happy to know all your brain cells (figure of speech) are intact and firing on all cylinders so you can keep churning out the books mate Still gutted my childhood fave singer Neil Diamond has Parkinson's so wont get to see him live in concert again , although I guess as someone who loves heavy metal , you don't really give a toss. Anyway to my question
Thankfully incisions 1 & 2 were on kobo ebook store so I purchased both as well as twins of evil , not sure how I missed that one One of your march questions mentioned a book ‘Love games'? But cant find that or did I misread that?
Have all your older books and later stuff in both hardback & paper back I recall in my 20s finding you (not you personally altho that would have been cool) in the prison library. Your big in prison just so you know and popular lol I now have most of your books also again on ebook as this is now how I like to take my books Why take half dozen books on holiday when i can carry thousands and they are waterproof. No brainer Anyway I truly hope we can expect another big novel Any films/programs coming out from the books
So many would make great series like Sean doyal Did I get it wrong wasnt victims or assassin being made into a movie. If so please make sure they stick to the fucking script. Another author I read Steve Alton who wrote the Meg series both films were nothing like the books and were shite, made all the worse by Jason fucking statham American shite accent
The guys from london ffs
Take care mate and seriously we love your books shaun , just wish you could write more of them
Ps what about a horror set in the wizarding world of hogwarts where someone murders the students... oh yea fuck it's been done damn !

Lee Ryan=

Hi Lee, thanks for sending a message. I have nothing against Neil Diamond, just because I'm a heavy metal fan... Lol... The only kind of “music” I really hate is rap...
I'm glad you enjoyed Incisions 1 and 2. I've got enough material for a third book if I'm honest but I thought I should do a novel before I unleashed the third volume of short stories on people. Lee, I cannot think of anything I've written called Love Games!! I did a book years ago called The Butchers Window which was never published for various reasons but that's about it. All the other stuff is available again (well, most of it anyway) thanks to Caffeine Nights.
I have always been big in prisons, Lee... Lol... I even did a tour of some prisons back in the 90's. I went to the Scrubs, the maximum security prison in Milton Keynes and another one in London. In every case the guys who were in the “audience” were really interested and always keen to interact. I used to get quite a lot of fan mail from guys inside, I think that's why the tour was organised to begin with. That's really what I'd call a captive audience!
The problem with any of them being made into films is that it's out of your hands once you sell the rights. The only thing you can do is hope they give you enough for the rights that it softens the blow. But that's just a risk you take. Knowing my luck they'd cast fucking Jason Statham as Doyle!! Can you imagine?
There should be a new Doyle novel on the way before the end of the year, Lee. Keep your eyes peeled. I'm off to France in October for a tour to promote Slugs and a couple of other books which a French publisher is doing. It's a tour of bookshops and film festivals though, not prisons... Well, not as far as I know... Lol.
Thanks for the message and you take care, Lee.

Hi Shaun

I am just about to start cut 2, but cut 1, I loved the stories, Wishing on a star, the first one made me laugh at the end but to be honest the last three were my favourite, Home invaders reminded me a little of slugs, albeit involving rats, A home of one's own was unusual and kept me guessing for quite sometime until he got the gun, but Troll, because of the initial part of the story concerning our hatred of so called celebs, again I did not see what was coming until he got to the last room, then became clear and it made it my best story, I have got more time now to get on with 2, so will give you feedback on that one and looking forward to more publications, don't forget my offer when you're down this way and all best for future and many thanks for all the great books.

Read cut two and got to say, I found most of the stories better than cut one, I loved the Hit and portraits was great too but to be honest enjoyed most. Cut three would be well worth it but gagging for the next full novel and anymore with Sean Doyle

John Elliott

Hi John, I hope you're good. Glad you liked the stories in Incisions. I've got enough material for volume 3 which should be on the way soon-ish. A lot of them had been envisaged as scripts first and many were ideas that didn't have enough legs as novels but I must admit, I really enjoyed doing them. I will definitely take up your offer, John. There must be a horror story about the London Eye bubbling around somewhere... The next Sean Doyle book should be on the way next. I'm at that stage where I can see the end but just can't bloody reach it... lol. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled and take care, John. Always good to hear from you.

Hi Shaun
Been reading your work for last 20 odd years when someone at work leant me Compulsion. From then on I seeked all your back catalogue and future endeavours. I love how you take no prisoners even now in this annoying woke age of cancel culture. Love your rants too, never change mate ha ha. I've been rebuying all your work on kindle as I've had to get rid of so many books to save space. I'm enjoying going through your 80s horror era but I'm not sure if you're aware but all your books on the kindle are riddled with so many weird typos, punctuation mistakes and random spelling errors that were never in the printed hardbacks and paperbacks I owned. Maybe something you want to highlight to your publisher as it takes you out of the story as you read. Thought you should know, and keep up the great work. My team are playing your mighty reds today and we could do with the points to stay up (come on you Palace!!).
All the best

Hi Craig, I hope you're well. Thanks for getting in touch. Glad you enjoy the books, always good to hear. Fuck Woke, Craig. I have never written anything and worried if people would be offended. You can't do that. Someone, somewhere will find something to offend them if they look hard enough. If anyone finds my work offensive they can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. Probably not the best attitude but life's too short I reckon lol... I am only concerned with entertaining my readers and anyone who knows my work knows what they're going to get. Which reminds me, there's a new rant on the site... lol... I will pass on your observations about the spelling errors etc. to my publisher. I agree with you, it makes you back out of the story and that is bad. Bloody Palace winning at Anfield!!! You bastards... lol... Ah, well, there's always next season... You look after yourself, Craig.

Right you lot, that's it for another set of questions. Keep them coming, it's always great to hear from you. New Doyle novel on the way and also a third volume of INCISIONS. Keep your eyes peeled. SLUGS is published in France in October, so I've got to go off for a tour there which could be fun. CHAINSAW TERROR is re-published in the US this year too so, fingers crossed... Take care of yourselves you wonderful bastards...


Just reading incisions cut one love night games just ordered book 2 what are your favourite movies and albums of the year all the best from Liverpool
Steven Houghton

Hi Steve, many thanks for messaging. Glad you're enjoying Incisions. I'm thinking of doing a third volume (might as well use the material I've got... Lol) I am appallingly out of touch with new music so I can't give you a list, Steven. I'm still listening to 80's rock lol... Favourite films is not easy either because I haven't been impressed by too much. I'd go with Sisu, The Northman, Crimes of the Future and Barbarian (unless I got the year wrong with that one). Sorry to sound like a miserable old bastard but, as I said, I find that so little at the cinema impresses me anymore. Ah, well. Thanks again for your message, Steven.

Hi Shaun
Bloody working Christmas Day looking after the Eye, but Just read the Christmas Rant and I'm giggling here like a crank. So glad you have lost none of your venom towards these people who claim to be celebrities. Like you I remember good times and excellent television, I watch repeats of so much, Sweeny, Columbo, Hammer Horrors anything from my past that contained talent, anything concerning Morecambe and Wise, two Ronnies and I am battling with my Daughter who reckons Hawaii Five O is great but I have informed her that unless Jack Lord is in it saying “ book em Dano, Murder one, two counts” what's the point.
Anyway, I told you I was struggling to find Incisions, I do not shop online so struggling but two presents from my daughter this morning, Incisions cut 1 and 2. Needless to say, I am going to enjoy reading these over the next couple of weeks, in between work and will give you feedback. Have a superb Christmas with your family, I hope you did not have to act aggressively in your hunt for Roses this year and again, when you are down this way, giving me a couple of days notice, do not hesitate to ask for tickets.
All best
John Elliot

Hi John, many thanks for your message. Working Xmas day must be a pain. Who the hell goes out on Xmas day??? Some great programmes you mentioned there, John. I'm with you as far as Hawaii Five O goes... lol...
I'm so pleased you managed to get hold of Incisions 1 and 2 finally. I hope you enjoy them and please let me know what you think. Favourite stories etc. Anything you think that maybe didn't work.
I will definitely let you know if I'm in London and would love to take you up on your offer. I've never been to the London Eye. Thanks again for your message, John.

Hi Shaun.
First off, big fan but not much for reading so thank the lord for audio books.
Now, favourite book of yours is an oldie, Renegades... Such an amazing idea.
I came across an uncorrected proof of it which is in proud place on my very limited book shelf.
Would you please consider signing it over to me.
That's it, not a huge thing but huge for me.
Hope to get hear from you soon.
Many thanks
Kev Alexander

Hi Kev, thank you for messaging. Glad you're enjoying the audio books. I can understand that it is a great alternative to actually sitting there with a book in your hand. A friend of mine listens to them all the time (not mine... Lol...) An uncorrected proof of Renegades!!! Bloody hell, even I haven't got one of those, Kev. I would be only too happy to sign it for you if you trust the post office to get it to my publisher who will forward it to me. Many thanks again for getting in touch.

Hi Shaun,
Presently I am perusing your novel 'X The Unknown' and will mince no words in appreciating your pain and efforts in gifting such a wondrous literature to the literary enthusiasts like us. The novel is yet to reach the culmination. Previously I watched the flick but it had put me in a state of commotion to a considerable extent, for the reason of which I picked up your book to unveil the exact mystery behind the occurrence of a dreadful monster lurking beneath the earth in Birminghamshire. But now the complex things are gaining access to my cerebrum and am to follow the story without impediments.
I have also glanced the other titles of yours and felt that you have a strong fervour for horror. The twins of evil was also an amazing read!
My query is how come you have managed to write brain teasing SciFi novel though with a slight mix of horror with so much expertise and ease.
Also I would be grateful if you give some pieces of advice to the aspiring writers.
Thank you,
Pavan Kumar

Hi Pavan, thanks for getting in touch. I'm really glad you enjoyed X The Unknown and Twins of Evil. Normally I say that novelizations shouldn't change the originals too much but, with X The Unknown, the threat of nuclear war etc. was stronger in the 50's when it was made so I felt I had to alter the threat a bit. I loved writing it and I love the original film. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Tips for budding authors... Hmmm... That's a difficult one. I would say never give up is the most important. Believe in yourself. Don't let family members or friends read your stuff because the only opinions that matter in the end are those of an agent or publisher. Write the sort of stuff YOU would want to read. Write about what you know and just let your imagination go wild!!! Never try to follow trends. As I said, write what YOU want to write. You'll get there in the end.

Hi Shaun
I know it's a bit late but Happy and Hopefully a Prosperous New Year, Really enjoyed both books. As usual once started couldn't put them down.
Any date set for the release of your new book?
I know You enjoy the cinema have You seen Napoleon? Comments please.
I was disappointed! Years ago in the 60s70s 80s you could see a film and couldn't wait to watch again.
Now one viewing is enough, anyway better stop here or I will end up doing a rant like yourself which I enjoy Keep Safe.
Kind Regards
Mike Blake

Hi Mike. A happy new year to you too. It's never too late for good wishes lol. Glad you liked the books. I haven't got a date for the new one yet mainly because I haven't finished the bloody thing lol... I'm with you on Napoleon, Mike. I really wanted to like it but I think the historical fuck ups just go too much and it annoyed me that the young Napoleon was presented as so dull. The real guy was dynamic and, well, you don't conquer half of Europe otherwise do you? Even the battle scenes weren't as good as I was hoping. I also agree with you about one viewing for most films now being a one watch. I've got films on dvd which I happily watch over and over again but most are from the years you mention. Nothing wrong with a rant every now and then Mike...

Dear Mr Hutson,
me and my friends are big fans of your books and we were wondering, would it be possible to send somewhere our Czech copies to be signed and inscribed by you? Of course we'd pay for all the shipping included.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes,
Petr Uvizl

Hi Petr, thanks so much for the kind words. I'm glad you an your mates like my books. I'd be more than happy to sign them for you but you'd have to send them to my publisher first. If you drop him a line I'm sure he'd be pleased to help. He's good like that. Thanks again for getting in touch.

Hello from the bottom of the world.
Just want to say thanks for your great writing, from a 52 year old New Zealand fan.
I found a copy of CHAINSAW TERROR in a very small second-hand book store here in 1990, still got it.
Is it true that there cut and uncut versions of this released, as I've read conflicting posts on the web.
Also, your stories kept me sane in the early 90s, when New Zealand was part of the 'video nasties' rubbish going on with certain films being banned, so after having to go to court and being fined $1000 for importing the likes of Cannibal Holocaust, etc... I found solace in the blood spattered pages you wrote.
Fun times!
James Packman
New Zealand

Hi James, thanks for getting in touch. Chainsaw Terror... Wow, one of my favourites lol... It's being re-issued in the States later this year so hopefully it'll be possible to get hold of a new copy too. The story about it being available in an uncut version is probably bollocks. I know at one time copies of the uncut manuscript were being sold "under the counter" in a bookshop in Birmingham for 75 quid a time (back in 1984) but even I haven't got an uncut one now. There was some talk of it being re-published and me trying to put back the missing bits. I'd be interested to do that. Your encounters with court because of video nasties is interesting!! It's ridiculous how some films were held responsible for the collapse of society back then. As the man dubbed “the initiator of the literary nasty” I know only too well lol. Anyway keep your eyes open for that new edition of Chainsaw Terror and thanks again for getting in touch.

Right, that's it for another month. Keep the questions coming. I love getting them. There should be some news soon on the next release from me. I'm doing my best for you wonderful bastards.
Take it easy.