October 20, 2024
Wales' International Horror Festival Abertoir runs from November 14-17 and this year they're screening Slugs. :)
I'm not sure if Shaun himself will be in attendance or filming a small intro for the film but I will let you know as soon as I do.
I'm sure it will be a great festival for all you horror fans out there.
June 17, 2024
Shaun has just sent me the cover to the French edition of Slugs which is due to be published later on this year.
December 14, 2023
I've been asked by to give them a mention. is a new book discovery website that asks authors to share five books around a topic, theme, or mood. Author Drake Vaughn picked Slugs as one of his favourite books on the subject. He said it was "just plain gross-out ridiculous fun" and that he thoroughly enjoyed the descriptive gore.
December 23, 2022
INCISIONS CUT ONE is out now, CUT TWO will follow in April.
A new novel, REQUIEM, is almost finished.
Shaun's working on a sequel to EREBUS, which will probably be published in 2024.
There's a paperback of PROGENY coming in 2023, so too is the paperback re-issue of DEADHEAD.
Shaun was approached by a French publisher to do a novella for them which will be published in France in 2024. He doesn't have a clue what it'll be about. He's also done a short story for a French collection the cover of which you can see below:
And the big news is that filming for Shaun's novel CHASE is supposed to go into production in 2023. Shaun wrote the script for it about four years ago and later did some re-writes for the film company doing it. It's a very, very small production but the spin-offs might be good for the other books too.
August 27, 2021

'Winter Tales 2021' is the latest in a series of events created and presented by author Joseph Freeman, featuring readings by legendary names of the horror world. Originally held live, recent events have moved these shows online - where you can watch in the comfort of your own home. This December, Saturday 4th from 1 pm, uncork the port, pull up a comfortable chair and join in the fun. Previous events can be found on Joe's Youtube channel.
And Shaun is one of the legendary names!
Have a look at the trailer here:
July 6, 2021
Shaun's next book will be a collection of short stories called INCISIONS. It will be published in two volumes but I'm not sure if they will be published simultaneously or one this year and one next. I'll let you know when I hear anything.
Shaun is also doing some kind of 'online event' this year. I'll post more info when I have it.